Processing Emotions with the pro•m•emo essences
Your little but powerful secret weapon for healing, less stress, emotional balance and enhanced productivity.
You’ve picked us up, we’ve crossed paths, we’re going to be your emotional wellbeing super power and now we get to be a life long emotional support to you, tucked away discretely in your pocket or purse.
We’re not going to be your only support, but we’re an effective and simple tool that you can integrate seamlessly into your lives. It’s as simple as 1… 2… 3!
See the 3 Steps below on How to Use Your Essences!
Please always reach out to your community or social network, as having a good support network is an important aspect for not only healing but for living a optimal and healthy, long life. We’ve got some resourses for you if you need any direction, feel free to ask!
If you need urgent help, please find resources & support here.

Here’s How to Use Us,
the Process My Emotions [pro•m•emo] Essences.

Let’s Get into it a Little More…

What are the pro•m•emo essences?
We like to think of ourselves as a tool for enhancing your emotional acuity, your emotional intelligence, supporting you to live a life with less emotional reactivity and more emotional responsiveness.
You may have heard of flower essences for when it comes to promoting emotional wellbeing. Whilst we absolutely love the healing power that flower essences possess, the
The pro•m•emo essences are more than a flower essence.
Our unique bioenergetic blends synergistically fuse 5 healing modalities into one, (Chinese medicine, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Flower essences & Bio-energetic medicine) into each of the essences, to help you feel less worried, overwhelmed, stressed, fearful, angry, sad …
We don’t stop you from feeling, for our emotions are our ‘juice’ in life, and emotions come in all shades of the spectrum to be felt, noticed and listened to. Their purpose is to drive us forward, learn the lessons and overcome whilst painting the picture of our lives.
We are not our emotions, but we are also not seperate to us, they are not external and they are there to be felt. Often with human nature to avoid discomfort is to suppress or ignore uncomfortable, extreme or difficult emotions. We try to band-aid the feeling and deny it, rather than deal with it. Enter dis-ease and a feeling of ‘out-of-all-sorts’.
With a few drops under the tongue or in your favourite drink, transition through any ‘stuck’ or stagnant emotions or let us support you through those moments when emotional overwhelm completely takes over and your feelings may become absent.
Let’s get out of fight, flight mode, switch off auto-pilot and get back to living in the present moment, with whatever feelings surface at a the time.
We hear you asking if we’re safe for your kids or pets? We sure are!
See our Frequently Asked Questions Here.